Thursday 27 November 2014

Drawing: four sunflowers

drawing: four sunflowers
have probably mentioned before that my university is in a big reorganization at the moment. We secretaries were 'reorganized' last year and luckily it meant that my colleagues at the faculty and I could stay. To be honest with you, that was quite a relief, because finding a new job at the moment is not easy. A few courses were introduced for the remaining secretaries and the first course started this Autumn: Power Secretary.
My group started last week with a workshop about recognizing and acknowledging stress given by a very energetic man. After a little stress test he asked us to draw four sunflowers. In the middle of the first sunflower we noted down the word 'Stress'. We were to write down on the petals in single words the area in which we scored the highest rate. Initially I only wrote down traffic (it's becoming crazy lately) and work. Work is relating to the situation above. I later added: reorganization, ending of a relationship, merger, too much work and health.
In the heart of the second sunflower we were to write down: energy givers. On the petals we mentioned all the things in our lives that gave us energy. As you can see that is quite a lot (not in any particular order): yoga, friends, nature, contact, organizing, art, traveling, photography, colour, time spent alone. 
The third sunflower then contains the energy leaks. For me those are: stress, computer work, aggression, have-to's, obligations, traffic, full calendar.
the four sunflowers above my desk
the four sunflowers above my desk
The fourth sunflower is a bit bare and it says the word Action. What am I going to do to change my situation on a short time basis? My plans are to take my days relaxed and not let myself go crazy about all the things I need to do. There is only so much I can process on one day, right?
Furthermore, I plan to release a series of postcards and to find another place to exhibit my photographs. I just called a site today and they told me to send in a couple of photographs. Half January the art committee had their next meeting and then they would take a decision. The lady on the phone didn't give me much hope, she said that everyone takes photos nowadays. That is true, but maybe they can see that contemplative photography is a different cup of tea!
Anyways, I stuck the drawing of the four sunflowers above my desk as a reminder. As a direct colleague of mine is now sick for a longer period, I should guard my stress level and take time to unwind. Furthermore, I shouldn't try to do more work in the same amount of working hours. I am so likely to fall in that trap.

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