Monday, 30 November 2015

Exhibition in Zaandam

Currently, 9 of my photographs are shown in studio Yoga Zaandam. My yoga friend Wies came to my house yesterday to select some of my work that has been sitting wrapped in the corner of my room. She picked out 9 prints on MDF that are shown in her yoga studio until the end of January.
Yoga Zaandam
original photo by Wies Raanhuis
Wies used to be an art curator for modern art so she has quite an eye for these things. She said that my photographs made her happy and that it is obvious to her that they were taken from the heart, without interference from the head. What a great compliment, I feel so honored to be hanging in her yoga studio.
Yoga Zaandam
original photo by Wies Raanhuis
On top of that, while we were flicking through my collection of printed photos she bought the one below on impuls. Thank you so much!
I still remember when I saw this blooming bonsai, or so I think this is. It was on a cold February day a few years ago. It had been a very cold winter and when I walked into the botanical garden of the VU during lunch time I spotted this flowering little tree and my heart opened up: Spring!

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Studio portraits: portraits of me

photo by Mirren Welboren
photo by Mirren Welboren
Posted are a few photographs tow of the other photographers took of me in photography class two weeks ago. If you wouldn't know it, would you guess what I was wearing on my head?
The light is merciless: every little hair, wrinkle or dent is shown. Now I know why they invented make-up! 
photo by Mirren Welboren
photo by Mirren Welboren
photo by Joke Tromp
photo by Joke Tromp

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Studio portraits

Last Friday in photography class we played around in the studio. One of fellow photographers, who earns her pay as a model, had brought in two models for us so we could totally focus on set, lighting, pose and such. Above is model 1. For the first picture I chose a top light with an almost side pose to create a silhouette. The photo on the right is taken with a softbox on the right and a reflection screen on the front left to fill in the shadows on her face.
We were asked to bring in some props for dressing up the model. Our inspiration was Dutch photographer Hendrik Kerstens who creates historic portraits by simply putting a plastic bag on the head of his model. The girl who brought in the models was also very creative in bringing props: she made a headdress made out of plastic cutlery.
I brought in some colourful bras, we filled the cups with transparent plastic bags to make them stand out. But, beginner as I am in a photo studio, the plastic was not entirely covered up by the bra so I had to cut that off the photograph. Big bummer, because it otherwise looked great! That is a lesson well learned: look carefully at the whole image before you start shooting.
By the way, model 3 is one of my fellow class mates, Joke. Even though of the mishap with the bra, these last two photographs are my two favorites of the day: they are very direct and I love seeing all the lines and softness in her face.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Around here

What's going on around here? Well now, let's see. Since K. walked into my life I have not been to my regular yoga classes after India and I also stopped teaching the one class I taught for two years. K. works in the weekends and I work during the week, so we'd like to spend the evenings together as much as we can.
I have decided to cut back on posting long articles on the blog because it takes up a lot of my time next to my work and there is little output except for an occasional happy friend. I could use that time creatively without feeling an obligation to share long stories with lots of photos.
I will be looking for a professional site and in the mean time I will post a few photo albums on my public FB page. This blog will continue to exist, but I am not sure yet what I will post here.
I have continued following a series of lectures at the Shambhala buddhist center about what is true and what isn't? Of course that is an extremely difficult question to answer, but as I understand it the senses are the gateway to truth and the mind is a hindrance to true perception. One of the senses are the eyes and last night we played around with aimlessly wondering and looking deeper at what stopped us, a short introduction to Miksang contemplative photography. Something I have practiced the past four years. The circle is completed, this is why I started going to Shambhala classes 1.5 years ago. Aimlessly wondering still makes me happy and seeing ordinary magic is one of the greatest joys of my life.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Professor Brinkman's farewell lecture

The farewell seminar of Professor Brinkman preceded his official farewell lecture, both took place on 23 October in the Aula of our university. Please find an account of the formal academic speech in pictures.
waiting children
Children waiting impatiently for their grandfather's appearance in the cortege of Professors.
Indonesian delegation
An Indonesian delegation attended the lecture.
Prof W. Janse and Prof M.E. Brinkman
Professor W. Janse (Dean of the Faculty of Theology) and Professor M.E. Brinkman at the front of the cortege just before entering the Aula.
Mayor Gerritse, De Bilt
Mayor A.J. Gerritsen from Brinkman's hometown gave a special appearance at the lecture.
Professor Brinkman (left)
Professor Brinkman was pleasantly surprised by the mayor's visit.
Royal medal
Professor Brinkman received a medal for his extensive work.
Professor Brinkman's final speech
Professor Brinkman gave his final academic speech.
cortege of Professors
Diagonal view on the cortege of professors.
front row: family
Family seated at the first row on the left.
Royal Award
Professor Brinkman wearing his Royal Award.
waiting in line to congratulate
Waiting in line to congratulate Professor Brinkman.
beadle's staff and hands
The beadle's staff and hands.
toga from a different university
Toga from a different university.
Toga from a South African University

Toga from a South African University.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Drie haiku's / three haikus

blue meditation pillows
During the course Basic Goodness III (What is real/true?) last night, we spoke about true perception, perception without interference of our own thoughts or judgements. Then we see things as they truly are. One assignment was to write a haiku, haikus are based on perception as pure as possible. I wrote three haikus in Dutch which I won't translate for obvious reasons.

Gisteravond tijdens de cursus Fundamentele Goedheid III (Wat is echt/waar?), spraken we over pure waarneming, waarneming zonder tussenkomst van je eigen gedachten en oordelen. Dan zie we de dingen zoals ze zijn. Een opdracht was om een haiku te schrijven, haiku's zijn gebaseerd op zo zuiver mogelijke waarneming. Ik schreef er drie (de beelden geven iets weer van de sfeer):

lichtje in de nis
donkere schaduw er omheen
het kaarsje is uit
white Shambhala fan
reflectie in de deur
lampjes in het plafond
iemand gaat naar buiten
black Shambhala gong
wapperende sjaal
buigend naar het altaar
een glimlach en wég
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