My niece's blond hair |
Easter has come and gone. My sister and her three girls stayed with me and that was quite busy! The twins are about 12 years old and the eldest will turn 16 in a few months time. One of the things we did was going to the Vondelpark and relax.
We looked at other people (like at this little guy picking daisies), read a book, played a card game and rested.
The twins still liked the climbing frame, they still enjoy paying around. In a little while we'll have to entertain them with other stuff.
Playing a game of cards is always good stuff, no matter how old they are.
I went for a walk with the twins and we spotted a green parakeet, so well camouflaged we nearly missed him.
The twins completely fell in love with these little chicks swimming behind their mother, so adorable.
My eldest niece felt like sleeping.
And I was reading this book by Austin Kleon. I am half way now and he is telling some good stuff!
Twin sisters side by side. They can be sweet together and they can be very difficult.
They all love crafting: drawing and making collages. That kept them sweet for most of their stay and I must admit the outcome was pretty rad!