Saturday, 31 October 2015

Series on transitoriness: part III

Yesterday was our third meeting of the photography class. We were actually out on a field trip to a still-working-mill (photos to be published later), but we also had a chance to show an update on our series. This time my teacher was quite enthusiastic when I showed her my latest captures and she expanded the series that I showed in my last blogpost. So I guess I took a step forward in the process.
leaf with shadow
dried up leaves with a shadow
Theme 1: shadows
leaf on water barrel
leaves stuck on a branch
leaves in puddle on streetcurb
theme 2: distinguished lines
Theme 3: blueness and reflection
red leaf in mud
leaves on gravel
rotting leaf
acorns in pudddle
Theme 4: subtleness
floating yellow leaves
leaves and twig under water
floating leaves and a reflection of a tree
Theme 5: yellow tones
She advised me to continue exploring these themes, as the outcome would depend on what I would come across on my walks.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Series on transitoriness: progress?

Two weeks ago I went to the second photography class and we were invited to bring in some new photos that we had worked on in relation to our series (read here for part I). I brought in some new images that I was quite happy about, but I noticed immediately that my teacher was not. She commented: "it's about  Autumn" and "they're all leaves." Yes, they were leaves, she was correct about that. But it was also all I came across in the park that gave me the feeling of transitoriness. I had photographed some dried up flowers, but they didn't go beyond the feeling of snapshots.
She distilled four sets of two pictures from my collection sofar:
drifting branch and leaves
set 1, image 1: yellow tones & water
branch and leaves under water
set 1, image 2: yellow tones & water
tyre track with reflection
set 2, image 1: blue tones and water
drifting leaves on blue water
set 2, image 2: blue tones and water
red leaf in mud
set 3, image 1: leaves and mud
yellow leaves in mud
set 3, image 2: leaves and mud
floating leaves and a reflection in water
set 4, image 1: yellow tones and leaves
dried leaves and a bit of sunshine
set 4, image 2: yellow tones and leaves
The teacher noticed that somehow the prints didn't come out as sparkly as the digital originals I had showed on my iPad in the first class, so I'll have to look into that.
She gave me a tip: to take a photo of (half) buried clothes in the mud. She also said that one of her students once took a photo of something on the ground with mud, tore up the picture into pieces and then took a photo of that. Nice ideas, but that's not really my style. She concluded I still had a lot of work to do. Well, I don't mind that at all!

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Lecture of departing Professor Martien Brinkman

left: Prof Dr M.E. Brinkman
links/left: Professor M.E. Brinkman
Gisteren, vrijdag 23 oktober vond op de VU een symposium van prof. dr. M.E. Brinkman plaats welke als titel had: Lost or found in Translation? Aanwezig waren familie, vrienden, (oud)studenten en (oud)collega's. Het symposium was georganiseerd door professor C. van der Kooi ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van professor Brinkman als hoogleraar oecumenische en interculturele theologie.
Prof Dr C. van der Kooi
Professor C. van der Kooi
Last Friday 23 October a symposium took place around Professor M.E. Brinkman's retirement titled: Lost or found in Translation? Present were family, friends, (former) students and (former) colleagues. The symposium was organized by Professor C. van der Kooi on the occasion of reaching the emeritus status of Professor Brinkman as professor of ecumenical and intercultural theology.
Professor Peter de Mey (KU-Leuven)
Professor Peter de Mey gave a respons to 'A Reformed Voice in the Ecumenical Dialogue'.
Part of the audience.
Professor Johan Goud (University of Utrecht)
Professor Johan Goud (University of Utrecht): 'A God of words: about literature and theology'.
Professor P.B. Smit (Vrije Universiteit)
Professor P.B. Smit (Vrije Universiteit): 'The post in the ecumenical discussion'.
Audience: taking notes.
Professor G. van den Brink (Vrije Universteit Amsterdam)
Professor G. van den Brink (Vrije Universteit Amsterdam) was the fourth speaker: 'Providence, chance and evolution'.
Guests from Indonesia
Guests from Indonesia.
Professor Brinkman
Professor Brinkman himself closed the symposium by commenting on a few statements that were made by the speakers.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Amsterdam Marathon 2015

Gisteren vond de 40e editie van de Amsterdam Marathon 2015 plaats ofwel de TCS Amsterdam Marathon. Het parcours liep gedeeltelijk door het Vondelpark alwaar ik met mijn niets vermoedende blik op zoek naar modder tegen afzetlinten aanliep. Tienduizenden hardlopers uit de hele wereld namen hier aan deel en ik hoorde het gejuich in vele talen langs de zijlijn. Hieronder een beeldverslag.
Amsterdam Marathon 2015
Yesterday the 40th edition of the Amsterdam Marathon 2015 or TCS Amsterdam Marathon took place. The track run through the Vondelpark, I ran into the barrier-tape when I was on a mission to photograph mud. Tens of thousands of runners from all over the world joined this marathon and I heard cheering in different languages. See below for a visual report.
struggling runners

stretching those muscles

overchilled runners


runners from all over the world

children offering food and drink

the professional sports photographer

man and dog looking lost

DJ van

The Blues Brothers

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Conference ‘Religious Diversity: Philosophical Perspectives’

attendees of conference on religious diversity
Preceding the inaugural lecture of Dr Grube a conference about religious diversity took place on 24 September at the Auditorium of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The conference was titled ‘Religious Diversity: Philosophical Perspectives’. Among the visitors were friends and colleagues of Grube as well as a delegation from the Queen's Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, Birmingham.

cups and saucers
Dr Karrer-Grube
centre: Dr C.R.B. Karrer-Grube, wife of Dr D.-M. Grube

Prof Dr F. Enns and others
second from left: Prof Dr F. Enns 
Prof Dr W. van der Merwe and guest
right: Prof Dr W. van der Merwe
Rector Magnificus Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Rector Magnificus Vinod Shubramanian
Prof Dr W. Janse and Dr D.-M. Grube
Prof Dr W. Janse and Prof Dr D.-M. Grube
Prof Dr Nicholas Wolterstorff
American philosopher and ethicist Professor Wolterstorff (University of Viriginia/emiritus Professor of Yale) gave a lecture called 'Toleration, Justice and Dignity'.

In the afternoon, presided by Professor Willie van der Merwe, the American philosopher and pragmatist, also 'Doktorvater' of Grube, Professor Joseph Margolis (Temple University, Philadelphia) brought 'Uncertain Musings about the State of the World and Reflections on Religion's Contribution'. 
Prof Dr Joseph Margolis
Prof Dr Joseph Margolis

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