my photo of a photo by NTI |
I am not going on holidays this year, I mean that I will take a three week leave but I will not travel to faraway places. Instead I will stay at home, enjoy the weather, see friends and take day trips to friends out of town. Also, I have a list of things that I really would like to do during those weeks. I am in a creative flow and the coming weeks I intend to take good use of that time. To help me out a little bit, because I've been there before and nothing came of my good intentions, I have made a list of little projects and at the end of my staycation I will update my list with links to the mentioned projects.
Here is what's on my list right now:
- start my calligraphy E-course (I have received all the materials last week)
- finish organizing my study
- upload pictures from former travels and citytrips from before my blogging time (i.e. numerous trips to Paris, various Queen's Days, former costuming trips to Venice, minibreaks to cities like Warsaw and Istanbul, visits to exhibitions, the list is endless)
- finish my photo book on Summer 2013
- do little DIY projects like: folding envelopes with pretty paper, painting quotes or words on canvas
- be a tourist in my own town of Amsterdam and visit at least two museums
- try out my 'new' secondhand 100 mm lens that a friend gave me
- paint a wicker chair and a dining room table
- go to Ghent on a weekend trip
- try out more exotic juices and smoothies
Most of all I would like to be in the moment, do the things that I want to do, relax, enjoy the little things and be happy.
My plan for today already fell through: the friend I was going to visit in a beach town cancelled our appointment because of heavy headaches. So I'll have to cope with that, too. Enjoying the moment, doing what I feel like doing. Now my relationship with H. is over I have all the time to myself.